Posted by Tony Marston on 09/02/06 08:58
May I suggest you look at Radicore at http://www.radicore.org which is most
definitely NOT a clone of any other framework If you are building
administrative web applications then this has more features than you can
shake a stick at.
For a comparison between Radicore and RoR take a look at
It may also interest you to know that a java programmer looked at radicore's
design and was so impressed that he decided to build a clone in java. How's
that for a world's first - a java clone of a PHP framework! Read about it at
Tony Marston
"R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah" <ng4rrjanbiah@rediffmail.com> wrote in message
> Ike wrote:
>> I've been trying to learn Ruby On Rails, because of it;s ease of use as a
>> web framwework. I am primarily a Java programmer, but the web Frameworks
>> there - Struts, Java Server Faces, are arcane as hell compared to Rails.
>> Additionally, Rails bakes Ajax code right into the output pages.
>> So it occurs to me -- surely there must be a php-based Web Framework that
>> is
>> as easy to use as Rails, and incorporates Ajax into the output
>> automatically for you? If so, that would be the solution I want for the
>> future. ANyone aware of such a creature? Thanks, Ike
> PHP got *huge* frameworks; but most of them are just clones of
> .Net, RoR, etc--than to be innovative to attract users. The reason
> might be because that most of the hard PHP programmers still prefer to
> flexible with hackish style than the rigid framework approach as many
> of them feels that most of web applications are simpler.
> IMHO, RoR is killing many other frameworks and attracting more PHP
> programmers lately. Those who are worried about the server support for
> Ruby are just using Symfony, CakePHP, etc as an alternate to RoR.
> --
> <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
> Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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