Posted by Andy Hassall on 09/02/06 21:59
On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 20:07:21 GMT, Jon Pike <> wrote:
>if test.php is this file:
> $lang = $_POST["lang"];
> print $lang;
><form method=post action=test.php>
><input type=image src=engFlag.jpg name="lang" value=en>
><input type=image src=fraFlag.jpg name="lang" value=fr>
>Why won't it print $lang; after having one of the images clicked?
Does here on Firefox.
But on Internet Explorer it only posts "lang_x" and "lang_y" for the
coordinates of the click.
The "." from the standard is transformed by PHP into "_".
IE's behaviour here is very unhelpful, and probably a violation of the
standard; it says the x and y are included in the submitted data, but doesn't
say to eliminate the original name/value pair.
Andy Hassall :: :: :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
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