Posted by Jared Zimmerman on 09/04/06 07:17
Thanks, i don't mind learning, i was just hoping that it was a little
more simple, oh well
Andy Dingley wrote:
> Jared Zimmerman wrote:
> > awsome now all i have to do is learn php and XSLT.....
> You aren't going to get far without learning _something_, these are
> just the easiest options.
> PHP RSS -> XSLT -> HTML examples must be ten a penny if you search for
> them. I'm sure you can find something ready-done. Enough PHP knowledge
> to make use of this will take you a small amount of effort, but it's
> probably worth it to pick up some useful knowledge for the future.
> The XSLT is probably harder to learn, but much easier if you already
> know it. Post a help request in comp.text.xml if you need - they're
> pretty helpful over there (I'd probably write you one myself if I had
> a few spare minutes).
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