Posted by Arne on 09/04/06 08:35
Once upon a time *Adrienne Boswell* wrote:
> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Max@Volume.com writing in
> news:3l6nf21g3kq17a8cvdsaigq7pjugh7ft8u@4ax.com:
>> what is the difference between HTML 4.01 Transitional versus Frameset?
>> Am I right to think that Frameset is a superset of Transitional, or
>> are there differences? If a document does not contain frames, is there
>> any difference between Transitional and Frameset?
>> Yes, I am looking at this from the point of view of validation,
>> specifically http://validator.w3.org/
> Frameset is for frame documents only, where framedoc.html looks like:
> <frameset ...>
> <frame src="page.html">
> <frame src="other.html">
> </frameset>
> Framedoc.html would use the Frameset DTD, page.html and other.html should
> use Strict. New documents should use a Strict DTD.
I belive you are wrong. To avoid a link in a framed page to a extern
site loaded within your frames, you must use the target attribute and
that's not valid i Strict. So framed pages should be Transitional.
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