Reply to Re: UPDATE and increment by 10

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Posted by version2 on 10/11/68 11:57

Hi Arjen,

Can you please help me. I am trying to create a page order navigation
script that will list out all my pages in order of their value in the
position column. I can move the navigation item up or down but cant
seem to get their.

Theory this is have the navigation links are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 before
moving the first navigation item up.

I add 15 to 20 so it becomes 35, then I want to re-order the list and
output the values like this, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60. Once this is done i
want to assign all new values to the navigation items starting from 20,
30, 40, 50.

This is my code soo far

if ($_GET[mode] == up) {

$queryzakken = "UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."".TBL_PREFIX."SET position =
(position + 15)WHERE id = $id;";
$queryzakken1 = "SELECT position FROM ".DB_PREFIX."".TBL_PREFIX." ORDER
BY position";
header("Location: index_exercise.php?ID=$muscleName");

Please can you help me.


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