Posted by Noodle on 09/08/06 08:25
ameshkin wrote:
> This script I wrote works with tables, td's and div's, but not with
> style tags. Can anyone figure out the regular expression for finding
> <style> tags. The trick is that sometimes its not just <style> Its
> <style type="text/css">
> Basically, i want to take the information in between the style content
> from any url
> <?php
> $url = "http://www.anyurlwithstyletags.com";
> $html = file_get_contents($url);
> //preg_match_all("/<style.*style>/", $html, $matches);
> preg_match_all("/<div.*div>/", $html, $matches);
> //preg_match_all("/[\s]*[<style>][\s]*[\w]*[\s]*[<\\style>][\s]*/",
> $string, $matches);
> //preg_match_all("/(\<[
> \\n\\r\\t]{0,}style[^>]*\>|\<[^>]*[\\n\\r\\t]{1,}style[^>]*\>){1}([^<]*<([^(\/>)]*(\/[^(t>)]){0,1}(\/t[^(r>)]){0,1})*>)*(\<[
> \\n\\r\\t]{0,}\/tr[^>]*\>|\<[^>]*[\\n\\r\\t]{1,}\/style[^>]*\>){1}/i",
> $html, $Matches);
> foreach($matches[0] as $div) {
> echo $div;
> }
> ?>
This should point you in the right direction...
preg_match('/<style(.*)?>(.*)?<\/style>/', $html, $match);
print $match[2];
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