Posted by ev45ive on 09/10/06 15:38
I have smth. like this:
if(SmartyValidate::is_valid($_POST) == true) {
// Register
} else {
// Form displayed with hints ex. "You forget e-mail"
<p>{validate field="Flogin" criteria="notEmpty" message=" Podaj
login "}</p>
<p>{validate field="Fhaslo" criteria="notEmpty" message=" Podaj
hasL,o "}</p>
<p>{validate field="Fhaslo" criteria="isEqual"
field2="Fhaslorepeat" message=" HasL,o nie zgadza siÄ z
powyLLszym "}</p>
<p>{validate field="Fimie" criteria="notEmpty" message=" Podaj imie
<p>{validate field="Fnazwisko" criteria="notEmpty" message=" Podaj
nazwisko "}</p>
<p>{validate field="Fmail" criteria="isEmail" message=" Podaj
poprawny e-mail "}</p>
<p>{validate field="Fulica" criteria="notEmpty" message=" Podaj
ulice "}</p>
<p>{validate field="Fnumer" criteria="notEmpty" message="Podaj
numer domu "} </p>
<p>{validate field="Fkod" criteria="notEmpty" message=" Podaj kod
pocztowy "}</p>
<p>{validate field="Fmiasto" criteria="notEmpty" message=" Podaj
miasto "}</p>
<form name="register" onsubmit="return check(this)"
action="index.php/mode/register" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="akcja" value="rejestruj">
<input type="text" name="Flogin" value="{$Flogin}" maxlength="20"
class="login_in" style="width:150px"></div>
<input type="password" name="Fhaslo" maxlength="20" class=""
class="login_in" style="width:150px"></div>
<input type="password" name="Fhaslorepeat" maxlength="20" class=""
class="login_in" style="width:150px">
<input type="text" name="Fimie" value="{$Fimie}"
maxlength="20" class="login_in" style="width:150px">
<input type="text" name="Fnazwisko"
value="{$Fnazwisko}" maxlength="100" class="login_in"
{validate field="Fnazwisko" criteria="notEmpty"
message=" Podaj nazwisko "}</div>
{html_checkboxes name="Fnewsletter" values=$nl_id
{html_checkboxes name="pp" values=$pp_id
<input type="submit" value="RejestrujÄ siÄ"
style="background-color: #e9e9e9;">
How to check that "pp" checkbox is selected, and if it is - how to make
it still sellected after sobmitting when form is not valid..??
PLZ, answer quickly..
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