Posted by comp.lang.php on 09/11/06 15:52
comp.lang.php wrote:
> [PHP]
> array_walk($result, create_function('$a, $b', 'return
> (strtolower($a->{$section . "_name"}) < strtolower($b->{$section .
> "_name"}));'), $section);
> [/PHP]
> I thought this would sort an object array by the property {$section .
> "_name"} (the variable $section has multiple values, hence, the object
> array might be "image_name", "video_name", "audio_name",
> "anything_name", but it will definitely exist, by whatever name
> comprises ${section}_name, in the object property within the object
> that makes up each array element), however, the sorting never takes
> place.
> How can I ensure that the object array is always sorted by
> $obj->{$section . "_name"}?
@usort($result, create_function('$a, $b', 'global $section; return
(strtolower($a->{$section . "_name"}) > strtolower($b->{$section .
> Thanx
> Phil
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