Posted by Kamyk on 09/14/06 19:31
I have the problem which solution I couldn`t have found on internet.
I have 3-dimensional array which looks like this:
$j and $k are dynamic. The example of using this array is:
As you can see the 1st dimension of the array have the following values:
value "0" has the hour 16 and various minutes and id message
value "1" has the hour 12 and various minutes and id message
I use smarty:
$smarty->assign('timeline_day', $table_timeline);
I don`t know how to get the values of the 3-rd dinemnsional array dynamicaly
in the tpl files:
I thought up a static solution which looks like this but it is not so good
for me:
{foreach name=test from=$timeline_day item=arr}
{$arr.timeline_hour.1}: {$arr.timeline_minutes.1}
{$arr.timeline_hour.2}: {$arr.timeline_minutes.2} ....
I would like to get every value of the array seperatly.
I would like to change the statement {$arr.timeline_hour.1}:
to be the dynamic one i.e.: {$arr.timeline_hour.X}:
I didn`t find any solution on the internet. Please help me. I spent 5 hours
on it without any result:(
Thank you in advance for every post.
Marcin from Poland
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