Posted by Petr Vileta on 09/14/06 22:28
fReDiNi wrote:
> Hi, I have being trying fo find the best solution for this problem for
> 2 days now and I am not able to find a solution.I need help.
> I explain the problem:
> A customer needs a system so that when a user is registered in his
> web, automatically he is assigned with a folder or folders and
> permissions to these folders (basicaly upload, download).Then users
> and permissions have to be editable in an easy way.
> Example of needings:
> He has two groups (costumers and workers).
> The first group(costumers) .Each user of the group only sees his own
> folder and has download and upload privileges by default.
> The second group (workers):Each user sees his own folder with upload
> and download privileges by default and all the members of the group
> also see a common folder with only privileges download by default
> The environment is: The customer uses a local machine with Windows
> Xp/Apache2 to host the server and I´m free to install any application.
> Difficult work, I think.
> Any sugestion ?
> Thanks for reading.
This can be solvable by simple but not trivial PHP (or Perl) script that
will "simulate" system access privileges. No FTP, only HTTP. For upload you
can use <input type="file"> and for download uour PHP code must simulate
some command like "dir" on Windows or "ls" on Linux. What user not see it
user can't download. It is true? :-)
Of course, if user know complete URL he can download. Also download can be
realised by PHP code too. All links to download will look like
Petr Vileta, Czech republic
(My server rejects all messages from Yahoo and Hotmail. Send me your mail
from another non-spammer site please.)
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