Posted by Jeff Gardner on 09/15/06 06:32
I am attempting to get conditional output based on POSTed form data.
If the posted value is either the key or value of an array, $x=key and
$q=foo. elseif it is neither key nor value(I tried || too) , $q=bar.
Even though $x is properly assigned the new value, $q always ends up
being bar. Abstractions aside, here's the code: (note ## comments
added to this post)
$search = $_POST[search];
$sort = $_POST[sortby];
$states = array(
"AL" => "Alabama",
"AK" => "Alaska",
"AZ" => "Arizona",
##echo $search here outputs the POSTed input
foreach ($states as $key => $value)
if ($search == $value || $search == $key) {
$search = $key;
##echo $search here outputs the new value, when applicable
$q = "
organization.*, contacts.*
FROM organization
LEFT JOIN contacts
ON organization.org_id = contacts.org_id
OR organization.org_id = 0
WHERE organization.state
= '$search'
OR contacts.state
= '$search'
ORDER BY '$sort' ASC";
} elseif ($search != $value && $search != $key) { ##I tried || here too.
##echo $search here outputs the new value too, when applicable
$q = "
CONCAT(contacts.firstname,' ',contacts.lastname) AS fullname,
organization.*, contacts.*
FROM organization
LEFT JOIN contacts
ON organization.org_id = contacts.org_id
OR organization.org_id = 0
WHERE organization.state
LIKE '%$search%'
OR organization.orgname
LIKE '%$search%'
OR contacts.state
LIKE '%$search%'
OR contacts.lastname
LIKE '%$search%'
OR contacts.firstname
LIKE '%$search%'
ORDER BY '$sort' ASC";
$result = mysql_query($q)
or die('Query Failed: ' . mysql_error());
Where is this evaluation breaking down and why? Thanks in advance.
Jeff Gardner
"Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly. It just happens
to be very selective about who its friends are." --Kyle Hearn
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