Posted by blvandeb@yahoo.com on 09/15/06 19:13
If anyone is able to provide advice for tuning the below query in sql
server, it is much appreciated. In addition any index suggestions are
also appreciated as I have access to the tables. Thank you.
select a.id, isnull(b.advisement_satisfaction_yes, 0) as
isnull(c.advisement_satisfaction_no, 0) as advisement_satisfaction_no,
when isnull(b.advisement_satisfaction_yes, 0) >
isnull(c.advisement_satisfaction_no, 0) then 'YES'
when isnull(b.advisement_satisfaction_yes, 0) <
isnull(c.advisement_satisfaction_no, 0) then 'NO'
when isnull(b.advisement_satisfaction_yes, 0) =
isnull(c.advisement_satisfaction_no, 0) then 'TIE'
end as Satisfied_With_Advisement
from a
left Join
(select id, count(answer_text) as Advisement_Satisfaction_yes from a
where question = 'The level of Academic Advisement I received from the
University staff during this course was appropriate.'
and answer_text = 'yes'
GROUP BY id) b
on a.id = b.id
left join
(select id, count(answer_text) as Advisement_Satisfaction_NO from a
where question = 'The level of Academic Advisement I received from the
University staff during this course was appropriate.'
and answer_text = 'NO'
GROUP BY id) c
on a.id = b.id
where question = 'The level of Academic Advisement I received from the
University staff during this course was appropriate.'
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