Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/16/50 11:58
iulian.ilea wrote:
>>*** iulian.ilea escribió/wrote (15 Sep 2006 15:36:17 -0700):
>>>In JavaScript, if I have func(var1,var2,var3) it is possible to call
>>>func("valueone") or func("valueone","valuetwo"). Ofcourse that value1
>>>and valuetwo ar assigne to var1 and var2. If a third parameter is sent
>>>this is assigned to var3.
>>Right, but you cannot assign var1 and var3 but not var2, as you suggest:
>>function me($param1, $param2=null, $param3,
>>$param5=null, $param6=null)
>>-+ http://alvaro.es - Álvaro G. Vicario - Burgos, Spain
>>++ Mi sitio sobre programación web: http://bits.demogracia.com
>>+- Mi web de humor con rayos UVA: http://www.demogracia.com
> No, but I can do this: me($p1, null, $p3).
> Alvaro G. Vicario wrote:
(Top posting fixed)
Yes, but that passes null as the second argument, which is different
from taking the default value for the parameter.
P.S. Please don't top post.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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