Posted by Jeff Gardner on 11/10/45 11:58
Erwin Moller wrote:
> Jeff Gardner wrote:
>> Greetings:
>> Is there a way to do <snip>SELECT table.* AS alias.*</snip>, or do I
>> have to write additional code to automate the process?
> Which database are you using and what do you want to accomplish?
> Two concepts that may be interest:
> Alias:
> You can use an alias like this:
> SELECT U.username, U.userpass, I.total FROM tblUsers AS U, tblItems AS I
> WHERE (U.userid=I.userid);
> So you name the tables, and tell the database which column to use.
> This can come in handy in many situations, eg if you use the same table 2
> times in your query.
> Derived table:
> consider a complex query:
> (SELECT U.userid, MAX(U.orderedItems) AS maxOrd FROM tbluser AS U WHERE
> (blabla) AND (blabla))
> You can use the RESULTS of that query as a real table by giving it a name.
> SO you get constructs like:
> SELECT U.userid, I.orderedItems, DRV1.maxInJanuary
> tbluser AS U,
> tblItems AS I,
> (bigqueryhere) AS DRV1
> (U.userid=I.userid) AND
> (DRV1.maxInJanuary < 10)
> )
> In that way you can use the results from a query as a real table.
> Regards,
> Erwin Moller
More specifically, I would like to assign aliases as such: SELECT
table1.*, table2.* AS alias1.*, alias2.* Many of the fields in the two
tables being queried have the same name (ie address, phone1, etc.).
Maybe, in my ignorance, I'm missing the point here. What I want to do
is reference table1.address and table2.address in my output after the
query is performed. What I am hoping to avoid is creating aliases for
every instance of same name fields.
Jeff Gardner
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