Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 09/20/06 16:13
Els wrote:
> Jonathan N. Little wrote:
>> Els wrote:
> Nice entirely blank page :-)
> In the mean time the other link is working properly now though. I can
> actually see pictures of dogs, while the original site doesn't show
> any picture (or link) at all.
Yep, just got of the phone with tech support, seems my server is under
repair and will be 'flakey' (that was the technical term used) until 6PM EST
Well I guess it is impetus to host shopping. Mine is not a vanity site
but my business. I have been with them for many years and I manage
several other sites for clients. Have been very good in the past but
recently but frustrated with their 'upgrades' that involve complicated
server configs that has muck management and deployment. I'm looking at a
Kentucky company Host Excellence. I think I'll move my dog site over and
test them out. They seem to have good reviews.
Take care,
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