Reply to Re: Preventing Browser-caching between Frames

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/20/06 11:44

bvdb wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle schrieb:
> ...
>>No, it's not my "job". However, I do try to help people.
> "Help", hmm. Go out and do some real help.

I do. Every day. But some people are just too think skulled to accept it.

>>>The whole question only makes sense with a server application.
>>Not at all. Something on the server that is completely independent
>>(i.e. a cron job that runs every 10 seconds) can replace the HTML pages
>>between requests from the browser.
> :-))
>>>HTML cannot generate HTTP-headers like the header()-function does.
>>>You don't know what you're talking about.
>>Actually, I do. Apache/IIS can and does generate EXACTLY the same type
>>of headers as PHP does.
> Yes, of course, but it is not directed by the HTML code.
> And HTML code is what a HTML newsgroup is about.

Actually, it is. But you wouldn't understand that.

>>So much for trying to help a complete idiot.
> So you learned something in the end. Fine.

Yea, I learned to dump you in the bozo bin. So long, bozo.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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