Posted by Dave on 06/14/05 05:21
Domestos ( decided we needed to hear...
> Hi all - please help...
> using <FORM> HTML tag for user input and need to get get data from it and
> store in php variable...
> <input type="text" name="user_name" size="18" maxlength="16"
> class="input_left" tabindex="11" />
> using the following to try and get user_name, but $user_name comes back
> blank...
> $user_name=$HTTP_POST_VARS['user_name'];
What is the method attribute set to in your form tag? It should be set
to 'post' and defaults to 'get' if you don't specify it.
As an aside you should really be using $_POST instead of
$HTTP_POST_VARS which is deprecated.
Dave <>
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