Posted by _Raven on 09/20/06 17:51
That works perfectly! It was the INSTR that was throwing me off.
Thanks Aho!
"J.O. Aho" <user@example.net> wrote in message
> _Raven wrote:
>> I want to search the database for users who have email addresses whose
>> email username matches their stored username.
>> So assuming my table is like so:
>> TABLE `users`
>> id | username | email
>> 1 | jim | user@domain.com
>> 2 | bob | bob@domain.com
>> 3 | jen | jen13@domain.com
>> So I want to search like "SELECT * from `users` where
>> email=username@userdomain.com", which in the case above would return row
>> #2 only, as user bob has email bob@domain.com, and not row 1 as email
>> username is nowhere near the username, and not row 3 as this username
>> does not match 100%.
>> I know I will need to use regex and all that, I'm just not sure about how
>> to correctly set up the query itself to get the correct records.
> You could try with
> SELECT email FROM users WHERE username=SUBSTR(eMail,1,INSTR(eMail,'@')-1);
> //Aho
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