Posted by Ivan Marsh on 09/21/06 15:49
On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 23:41:23 +0000, someone wrote:
> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>> On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 19:59:57 +0000, someone wrote:
>>>Could someone direct me to a site that would help me with the
>>>Have database setup and loaded. Want to create web page that will use
>>>database to do lookup of database on screen and allow selection of
>>>field. Ie... lookup council member in lookup window, select and have
>>>proper/correct committees councilperson belongs to appear.
>> Sure: www.google.com
>> You're asking a very wide variety of questions about a plethora of
>> technologies.
>> What platform?
>> What webserver?
>> Which database?
> Well, I thought the platform did not really matter using PHP. The web
> server, kinda thought the same thing however apache would be the server
> on the stack and same with database but if pushed, for now MYSQL.
> The crux to the question seems to me to be PHP based with HTML.
The question didn't sound like you had any of that decided or set up yet.
Good place to start:
Please don't top post.
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