Posted by d43m0n AT shaw DOT ca on 09/24/06 01:45
Fingolfin wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm thinking about learning PHP but don't know how to start, i have
> little Basic, Pascal and a bit more C++ experience, but now i want to
> extend that knowledge, go into web design, so i could make a PHP website.
> Where to start, how to begin, (if possible i would like to achieve a
> decent PHP level rather fast, a month of hard work or so?)
If you know what its like, compiling C++ in a shell or msdos, or even
running basic from say qbasic as such, then you already know more then
enough to get started with PHP.
Now, the nitty gritty stuff is that, to install and having a running
webserver, and php, any anything else, including modules for php, is
tough, and I find that newbies quit at this point.
The most simplest thing about PHP, in windows, you download php from
http://php.net, you extract it, you add the directory in the %PATH%, or
just simply type 'C:\php\php.exe myfirsttestscript.php' and your on
your way.
PHP has been built with the intentions of cooperating with webservers
to simple be a preprocessor, that just means whatever php code is
inside a file, it is too parse and return whatever values, or execute
any functions, and then return the values back to the server.
Technically speeking, its best to handle php like a server all of its
own, it handles the functions and the variables, it talks with the
other software around to start the job, and gives to the http server to
finish by returning it to the client and closing the connection.
But PHP can be and is more powerful then that, it can handle any
communication from any service, wether its already writtin in a module,
or you can download premade scripts, or write your own to handle the
The rules are rather simple, all code must reside in between <?php ?>
or <? ?> or if you like asp-like tags, you can use <% %>. A compiled
version of php will read anyfile for that matter, but specifically
looks for these tags.
Next, you can define your own functions, and even classes to place
these functions into to make cleaner code. And you can even make use of
OOP with php and your classes.
There are numerous of string functions to handle your variables, much
like any language of course.
PHP has numerous modules to support Database, and other applications,
that just make it simpler to process information. But you are not on a
chain, and you can write your own.
Much like any other shell language in Unix, php makes use of inline,
argv variables, and even stdin/stdout, as well as shared memory,
process managment such as SIGNUP, and sockets inteneded for the
standard tcp/udp, as well as Unix sockets.
So best of luck, read the manual, its not that scary, you can even use
the search engine on php.net to handle your lookups for specific
Heck, here is something to get you started.
print 'Hello World' . "\n";
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