Posted by pittendrigh on 09/25/06 13:05
Cain wrote:
> Is making your own content mangement system a good idea?
I made http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1463.html
There's a lot it doesn't do, but a lot it does do.
This one has no concept of templates nor an editor of any kind.
Instead you make a hierarchical file system, composed of
descriptive directory names and descriptive file names,
like "Nice_Looking_Fish.jpg" instead of "dscn1234.jpg"
deals with a list of "known files" to know what to make
links for and what to skip......html fragments, complete html,
text, images, image captions.
So, I just copy new files to the right locations, press the reload
button and voila.
It does need a plugable, module-based page rendering engine.
Was it a good idea? I can manage hundreds of image-and-text-based
how-to-do-it boat building pages easier than I could with any
other system I looked at.
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