Reply to Multiple query variables based on str_word_count

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Posted by Jeff Gardner on 09/25/06 14:47


I am attempting to split an input string using the str_word_count
function to return multiple single word query variables.
I can create an array based on
$search=(str_word_count($search, 1, '0123456789')); (I want words and/or
I can extract named variables from the resulting array via
$search=extract($search, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, search);
and then call each variable by
$search_0 $search_1 $search_2, etc.
Several issues that I am having:
Since the size of the array is determined by user input. I can't
hardcode $search_x, $search_y, etc. because I don't know what x, y, etc.
will be. How can I produce $search_x... et al. and then hand it/them to
a query string? I can echo desired output using for or while loops,
(i.e. the *value* of $ al. but I can't figure out how to
get them into query strings. I want my query strings to contain
something like

WHERE table1.row1
LIKE '%$search_x%'
OR LIKE '%$search_y%'

Advice or a sanity check is appreciated.



Jeff Gardner

"Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly. It just happens
to be very selective about who its friends are." --Kyle Hearn

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