Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/26/06 17:19
Ron Barnett wrote:
> "Nitro" <jtechmart_inquire@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1159210466.195073.45680@k70g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
>>I recently developed a web app with php which sends emails out via form
>>submission. I'ts an eProofing system for a publishing/advertising
>>company. Now, I am being asked to provide email reciept of some sort.
>>They want to know if the recipient recieved the email. It would be nice
>>to know if they checked the email as well.
>>I've done some searching, but haven't found anything concrete yet on
>>how to build this. Right now I'm just looking for a simple solution if
>>it's possible. Just to clarify, I'm not looking to check if an email is
>>valid. I'm trying to add something that would let us know that the
>>email was recieved (and looked at) if possible.
>>How can this be accomplished?
> Hi Nitro,
> Assuming you can send an HTML email as your response - if not, there are
> plenty of libraries to help,
> I suggest you include a thumbnail sized image of the document submitted in
> the confirmation email.
> This should in reality be a link back to your server so that when the user
> views his 'proof' he actually make a call to your server which can log the
> event.- just make sure the link has a unique ID for tracking. It should
> work every time unless the user gets blase' about checking the proof and
> simply ignores or deletes the message.
> This is somewhat more engaging than a simple read-receipt but a bit more
> work.
> Cheers
> Ron
> For PHP Class libraries try : http://ronbarnett.users.phpclasses.org/
> or Pear . . . .
A lot of people (like myself) now run with images in emails disabled
because spammers use this trick to check for valid email addresses.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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