Posted by Charles O'Flynn on 09/26/06 21:52
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
| Charles O'Flynn wrote:
| > "Johnny" <removethis.huuanito@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| > news:lsfSg.375$UJ2.143@fed1read07...
| > |
| > | "Charles O'Flynn" <charles@matchwalk.com> wrote in message
| > | news:12hivk1109pj1e0@corp.supernews.com...
| > | > As a complete newcomer (2-3 days) to PHP, although not to
programming in
| > | > general, I have 'dived in' to start a small project to read and
parse an
| > | XML
| > | > data stream. I have already worked out most of the more specialist
| > | aspects
| > | > of the job but am now completely stuck on something I would have
| > | > were simplicity itself...
| > | > I need to have a large number of global variables visible inside
| > | functions -
| > | > it's not possible to pass them into the functions themselves, since
| > | although
| > | > they are user functions, the parameter type/count is fixed. Reading
| > what
| > | > information I can find, I was under the impression that variables
| > declared
| > | > at the head of the PHP block as 'global' would be visible inside all
| > | > functions. My problem is this: yes, it appears I can assign values
| > | > these global variables inside a function, (I think), but immediately
| > | exit
| > | > the function, the data is lost. At first sight, I could be
| > | values
| > | > to variables with identical names but local scope within the
| > | but
| > | > when I performed an 'explode()' inside a function, assigning the
| > to
| > | > one of my 'global' variables and then, on exiting the function,
tried to
| > | > 'echo' the result, the result was 'ARRAY' - the original global
| > | had
| > | > presumably been converted, since it started life as a scalar.
| > | > I don't really want to go to superglobals unless I have to - can
| > | > please tell me where I'm going so obviously wrong and how I can
| > | it?
| > | > This is such a basic problem, I can't help thinking everybody must
| > | the
| > | > answer...
| > | > Thanks for any help/advice offered.
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > | just need to use the global keyword when inside the function, it's
| > explained
| > | here:
| > | http://us3.php.net/global
| > |
| > Thanks for the quick reply, Johnny, but I've been looking at the page
| > refer to all afternoon and it doesn't seem to work for me. For
| > (and I'm only illustrating the specific problem I seem to have
| > ------------------------------------
| > $variable;
| >
| > function printsomething()
| > {
| > global $variable;
| >
| > $variable = 'Test'.<br />;
| > echo $variable;
| > }
| >
| > printsomething();
| > echo $variable;
| > ------------------------------------
| >
| > ...only prints one line of 'Test' - I'd have thought it should print out
| > copies. BTW, I'm running under PHP 4.1.2 (and it's not mine to
| > change/upgrade!)
| > Thanks and regards,
| > Charles
| >
| >
| You're close. But you have to use the global keyword in the global
| context, also. Not just in the function.
| global $variable;
| function printsomething()
| {
| global $variable;
| $variable = 'Test'.<br />;
| echo $variable;
| }
| printsomething();
| echo $variable;
| --
| ==================
| Remove the "x" from my email address
| Jerry Stuckle
| JDS Computer Training Corp.
| jstucklex@attglobal.net
| ==================
Thanks, but I've tried that and it still doesn't work.
I'm getting the feeling PHP doesn't like me, although I like it well
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