Reply to Re: Unkowingly Took PHP Job with undgodly PHP Gurus ...

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Posted by Chung Leong on 09/26/06 22:05 wrote:
> Thanks a million for that response. That was exactly what I needed
> to hear. I am confident in my php skills but feel like an idiot in
> this system and cvs is intimidating to say the least when you've
> never used it and everyone is whipping through it at lightning speed
> on a unix box. I will take your advice and realize that these guys
> are not geniuses and their code is probably quit simple when gotten
> down right to the nuts and bolts. It does seem like these guys just
> write code to impress each other and not to simply get the job done.
> I also think part of it is they don't know how good I am yet and
> don't want to act stupid or assume that I don't know anything or
> make them look bad, so they're trying to be Billy Bad Asses when it
> comes to PHP. I have sort of tried the "please be patient with me"
> approach and it's too early to tell if they appreciate the honesty
> or see it as weakness that they can exploit. The one thing I have
> over them is the ability to live and breath this stuff in every bit
> of my spare time, weekends included until I have it mastered,
> probably better than them. Again. I can't tell you how much I
> needed to hear your comments...

Programming is not unlike writing prose. If you write something isn't
easily comprehensible by another programmer, it's you who is the bum.
PHP development is easy enough. Stuff in. Stuff out. But just as some
are wont to quote from Pluto's Republic where they're writing about
their pet gerbil, there are programmers who bring in unnecessary
complexities in order to impress. I am willing to bet that the template
system you mentioned will turn out to be completely pointless. It is so
nine of ten times--few projects need or could afford multiple user

You will want to get some practice on using CVS though. Google CVS NT
for the server software and TortoiseCVS for a graphical client.

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