Reply to Re: while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) error suppression

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Posted by Klaus Brune on 09/27/06 03:48

I don't know if this will be more efficient than using a conditional,
but two other avenues, off the top of my head...

1) Turn off error messages, then enable again after your call. Something

$oldErrorReporting = error_reporting(0)

// ... do your stuff ...


2) Do output buffering before and after your code to grab any unwanted
errors, notification, etc...

$oldErrorReporting = error_reporting(E_ALL);
$oldHtmlErrors = ini_set('html_errors',0);

// ... do your stuff ...

$errorMessages = ob_get_clean();

if(trim($errorMessages) == '') {
mail('','MySQL Error Report',$errorMessages)

Hmmm, this might be worthy of a wiki topic. Plus it might be a little
clearer with syntax highlighting. And I won't have to post multiple
times if I want to expand the whole error trapping idea when I have
time. The ideas are flowing already... dumping to different error log
files based on what routine(s) you're watching for instance. Anyway,
here's the link...

In article <>, says...
> Hi all!
> How can you get rid of the error that displays if you do a query which
> returns no result and then try and fetch the array, WITHOUT having to
> put the while in another conditional like if ($result != ''), something
> more efficient if possible.
> regards
> Marc

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