Posted by Jeff Gardner on 09/27/06 04:28
Kimmo Laine wrote:
> "Jeff Gardner" <null@spamvoid.tld> wrote in message
> news:_ZRRg.5286$e66.3828@newssvr13.news.prodigy.com...
>> Greetings:
>> I am attempting to split an input string using the str_word_count function
>> to return multiple single word query variables.
>> I can create an array based on
>> $search=(str_word_count($search, 1, '0123456789')); (I want words and/or
>> numbers).
> Stop right here and go no further with the extract thingy. Here you already
> have a nice beautiful array, arrays are the coolest, aren't they!? Why go
> thru all the trouble with exteracting and such...
> You can build up the query conditions with a little implode trick:
> $query_conditions =
> " my_field LIKE '%" . implode( "%' OR my_field LIKE '%", $search) . "%'";
> now insert $query_condition in your query string:
>> $q="
>> FROM *
>> WHERE table1.row1
>> LIKE '%$search_x%'
>> OR LIKE '%$search_y%'
>> etc..."
This is what ended up working:
$str = '';
foreach ($search as $s) {
foreach($table as $t){
if ($str != "")
$str .= "OR\n";
$str.= "$t\n" ;
$str .= "LIKE '%$s%'\n";
$q = "
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2
ON table1.id = table2.id
Jeff Gardner
"Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly. It just happens
to be very selective about who its friends are." --Kyle Hearn
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