Reply to Re: Computer Language Popularity Trend

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/16/75 11:59

benben wrote:
>> These charts are a rather misleading I think. The number of newsgroup
>> postings for a language is inversely proportional to the amount of the
>> information about it on the internet. When someone can google an answer
>> to his question, he's not going to start a thread. Thus activity in the
>> newsgroup is bound to fall over time following a peak, even as interest
>> in the language remains strong.
> The numbers are also affected by accessibility to the newsgroups, you
> know, the eternal September effect...
> Ben

I'm not sure everyone takes the time to search the internet for an
answer - at least I see a lot of questions which could be easily
answered by a quick google search. But the point is well taken - some
people do.

I would also argue that the numbers are affected by the complexity of
the language (the more complex a language, the more likely people will
have questions about it), other good resources on the net (i.e. forum
sites with lots of traffic), the number of good books on the subject,
availibiltiy of adult education classes, which leg my dog decided to
lift this morning, the color of the next car which pulls in to the
parking lot and a bunch of other things I haven't even though of.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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