Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/16/09 11:59
Ron Barnett wrote:
> "Girish" <girishbhat6620@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1159359055.574104.168360@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
>>Hi Everyone,
>>I am passing a form to a php script for further processing.
>>I am able to retrieve the last value set for that given form variable
>> $variable=$_REQUEST['form_variable'];
>>My question is, what is the Php way of retrieving all the values passed
>>for the same form variable?
>>For example, if the php script is called with a syntax like
>>, how do I iterate through all the values that form_variable has been
>>set to?
>>Thanks and regards,
> Hi Girish,
> In the example you have given, which equates to a Get, the variables will
> indeed overwrite each other with only the last value surviving, as stated by
> lorento.
> You can however create an array by suffixing the variable name (in the HTML
> form) this
> <input name='inp[0]' type='hidden' value='first value'>
> <input name='inp[1]' type='hidden' value='second value'>
> <input name='inp[2]' type='hidden' value='third value'>
> once this is received by your PHP script the values may be retrieved :
> $myArray = $_REQUEST('ip'); // note no subscripts required
> $myArray['0'] will contain 'first value', $myArray['1'] the second value,
> and so on
> BTW Register globals should be OFF on any production machine so there is
> little point in having it on in a development machine.
> Ron
Actually, it's even easier than that. No need to specify the index when
you're using the default.
<input name='inp[]' type='hidden' value='first value'>
<input name='inp[]' type='hidden' value='second value'>
<input name='inp[]' type='hidden' value='third value'>
inp[0] == 'first value'
inp[1] == 'second value'
inp[2] == 'third value'
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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