Posted by ctclibby on 10/26/45 11:59
affiliateian@gmail.com wrote:
> We are trying to prevent spammers from mass mailing their list while
> using our contact us script. We have a few security measures in place
> but would also like to add a "check for more than 1 @'s in the to:, cc:
> and bcc: fields. Can anyone point us to some code or turotials for
> doing this?
> Thanks in advance.
Maybe this is not needed for what you are trying to do ... but ...
Don't put in fields that have eMail return addresses in them at all.
This way, spammers can not fill in the field(s) with bogus email addys.
If you already have a contact script maybe it would be better to
modify it so that the choices available to the surfer are 'script
aliases' instead of real email addys. Make sure that the script
aliases used here are NOT email aliases in your email server. For
instance, we use:
the list can go on. To which each can point to a real email addy.
Some can be different if you wish, or all can point to the same real
email addy.
I looked at the 'picture based' form where you must enter some sort of
letters and number combination to submit but decided on the form based
above. In either event, the surfer does not get your email addy until
YOU reply to their question or comment.
Note that I started doing this about 4 years ago and had problems with
my users as they believed it would be harder to contact using this sort
of form. Since then, all have come on to my side of the fence and see
the benefit of less spam. Surfer sees that something was sent as my
server replies in a web-widget that it indeed was sent.
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