Posted by Cerebral Believer on 11/25/00 11:59
Hi folks,
I am having trouble identifying the error here can anyone help?
Parse error: syntax error on line 318
$e-mail_1 = $_POST['e-mail_1'];
Also will my use of " " (double quotes) instead of ' ' (single quotes) make
much difference to the way this code works? It is from a section of code
that is returning values to a form after it has been validated.
<input type="text" class="f_form" name="int_code" value="$int_code"
size="3" title="International Code: valid characters 0-9, (3 digits)"/>
I am transfering an HTML form in XHTML 1.0 Transitional to php. The book I
am reading has the code listed like this:
<input type='text' class="f_form" name='int_code' value='$int_code'
size='3' title="International Code: valid characters 0-9, (3 digits)"/>
So the code in the book is presented in single quotes instead of double
quotes, but the extra code I have inserted is still in single quotes. I
know I need to specify maxlength values too. Will the difference in use of
quotes make much differnce?
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