Posted by Tony on 06/15/05 03:25
Raqueeb Hassan wrote:
> Dear Tony,
> Thanks for the reply. I changed that javascript tag.
>> You need "?>" not ">" - and that would cause exactly the problem
>> you're describing. Also, you have no HTML <body> tag.
> I basically used that tag, you can see that. Well, I haven't used the
> body tag as it's purely written in php. It's still not working :-(
You can get by without the <body> tag, but don't forget that your OUTPUT is
in HTML. If you don't at least close the <head> tags, you won't get any
> Even when mysql is not running, it should return something as it can't
> connect the db!
Only if the program is able to output. Also, consider that the problem may
not be in the code you presented
Looking again at your code snippet:
$s = $HTTP_GET_VARS["sort"];
include("adminheader.php"); ---> what does this do?
<script language="javascript">
function confirmdelete(delurl) {
var msg = "Are you sure you want to Delete this Row?";
if (confirm(msg))
require("config.php"); ---> what does this do?
Why not try adding the following, right after the </head> tag:
<h1>Can you see this?</h1>
<?php // --> continue with your PHP here
See if you're getting ANY HTML output to begin with. It will help narrow
down the problem.
> Thanks once again for the help.
Tony Garcia
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