Posted by dan.cao.nguyen on 10/02/06 04:15
OK, I've basically copied this code ad verbatim from a book to
test...what I have is an index.html page that refers to "map_data.php"
and "map_functions.js"...
map_data.php draws some coordinates from a database and outputs them
into an array called markers. However, when I load up the index.html
page, it says "markers" is undefined...
Here's the code in map_data.php:
var markers = [
<?php while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)): ?>
<?= $joiner ?>
'latitude': <?= $row['latitude'] ?>,
'longitude': <?= $row['longitude'] ?>,
'lawyer': <?= $row['lawyer']?>,
'city': <?= $row['city']?>,
'business_name': '<?= addslashes($row['business_name'])?>',
'address': '<?= addslashes($row['address'])?>'
$joiner = ',';
<?php endwhile; ?>
I can't get anything in the map_functions.js to read this markers
array, even if it's a simple alert call like
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