Posted by Harlan Messinger on 10/03/06 15:39
Travis Newbury wrote:
> Peter wrote:
>>> Interesting how you want to blame an inanimate object for a humans
>>> shortcomings.
>> Ok, put it this way: The makers of Frontpage designed their program to
>> f*** up HTML.
> Yea, I am sure that is the exact words they used in the planning
> meeting... FrontPage is a tool, no better or worse than any other
> tool when used by some one that is competent.
People who are competent at something choose tools that make their work
easier, not harder. They may be better at fixing garbage produced by
inferior tools, but their preference will be not to use the inferior
tools in the first place.
A master craftsman may be able to do a better job building cabinetry
with a hand saw than a home hobbyist, but he is also less likely to use
a hand saw at all, preferring to have a table saw, at mitre saw, a
biscuit cutter, a dovetailer, a router, etc.
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