Posted by J.O. Aho on 10/03/06 16:18
Steve wrote:
> also, you have to assume the markup of the number based on the language of
> the system. a lot of countries use commas not only to denote whole number
> portions but the decimal as well. 1,200,00 akin to 1,200.00
> ".:[ ikciu ]:." <no@mail.com> wrote in message
> news:efu08o$l0s$1@news.dialog.net.pl...
> | Zebrawszy mysli fang <fang27@excite.com> wyklepal:
> | > Anyone have a suggestion as to what function I can use in php to find
> | > if a number is a whole number, and does not have a decimal?
> |
> |
> | if(!empty(eregi_replace('([0-9]+)','',$yourNumber)){
> | echo 'not a number';
> | }
> |
> | doesn' works for float values :) but you can simply change it :)
Works for both integers and floats.
If you know that the variable is not a string, then you can use
to check if a value is integer or not.
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