Reply to Re: Array problem (MySQL/PHP)

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Posted by BlackSpider on 10/04/06 10:46

".:[ ikciu ]:." <> wrote in message
> Hmm BlackSpider <> wrote:
>> function TableData($slot)
>> {
>> global $row_Recordset1, $colour_FREE, $colour_TOOK;
>> $var = "'"."$slot"."'";
> What ???????
> If you will pass string to this function you no need to add ['] !!!
I know, I tried that the first time and it didn't work. It's called "Trying

>> if ($row_Recordset1[$var] == "") {
>> return ($colour_FREE.'" class="timeslot"><div
>> align="center">'.$row_Recordset[$var]);
>> }
>> else {
>> return ($colour_TOOK.'" class="timeslot"><div
>> align="center">'.$row_Recordset1[$var]);
>> }
> Same here - no sense
As above.

> return ((strlen($row_Recordset1[$var]) == 0?$colour_FREE:$colour_TOOK).'"
> class="timeslot"><div> align="center">'.$row_Recordset[$var]);
The data at the end (Currently $row_Recordset1) would be different in the
end, it's like that now so I can see what values are being returned, to try
and figure out where it's going wrong. The answer to that is in my first
post, it won't let me use $var, or $anything when I'm requesting the array

> maybe you will tell us what is stored in variables: $row_Recordset1 and
> $slot ???
I did, $Row_Recordset1 is an assoc array containing table data, in this case
a date, adn $slot contains the word "date", which is the name of the row I'm
trying to get. I did say this in my first posting.

> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Ikciu | gg: 718845 | yahoo: ikciu_irsa | www:
> 2be || !2be $this => mysql_query();

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