Posted by Steve on 10/06/06 16:08
"Bit Byte" <root@yourbox.com> wrote in message
| .:[ ikciu ]:. wrote:
| > Hmm Bit Byte <root@yourbox.com> wrote:
| >
| >>I want to return dummy data from a stub function, this stub function
| >>should replicate data from a database. Any idea how I can write this
| >>stub function?
| >
| >
| > what format? arrays objects?
| >
| >
| returning (nested?) array objects will be good
while i don't use pear, i do have my own db abstraction class whose
interface is always the same no matter the back end. the format i return
results in is this...which relates to your stubby:
(this is the mysql class that implements my abstract db interface...the
execute method)
static function execute($sql, $decode = false, $returnNewId = false)
self::$_lastStatement = $sql;
$array = array();
$key = 0;
$records = mysql_query($sql);
$fieldCount = @mysql_num_fields($records);
$translation = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$translation = array_flip($translation);
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($records, MYSQL_NUM))
for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldCount; $i++)
$value = $row[$i];
if ($decode){ $value = strtr($value, $translation); }
$array[$key][strtoupper(@mysql_field_name($records, $i))] = $value;
if ($returnNewId)
$array = array();
$array[0]['ID'] = mysql_insert_id();
return $array;
this returns all records into the standard form of an indexed array of
columns that point to their respective values...such that:
$records = db::execute("select username, password from users");
$headerRow = array_keys($records[0]);
echo "<table>\r\n";
echo " <th>\r\n" .
implode(" </th>\r\n <th>\r\n", $headerRow) .
" </th>\r\n";
foreach ($records as $record)
echo " <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n " .
implode(" </td>\r\n <td>\r\n", $array_values($record)) .
" </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n";
echo "</table>";
would dump your data nicely. to stub any portion of your data, just create
in include/require file in which you had set a variable to an array of this
structure that was populated by hand. then, when the db::execute method was
called you could simply parse for the table name and return the appropriate
array. crappy explanation...here's an example:
static function execute($sql, $decode = false, $returnNewId = false)
$stub = '';
$stubData = array(); // array that all stubbed data files build w/ fake
// need to reset it since previous call to 'execute'
// have imported a previous tables dataset version
// this also makes sure to return an empty array if
no stub
// data is found for this $table
$table = preg_replace('pattern to pull table name', $sql);
switch ($table)
case 'foo': $stub = 'foo.stub.data.php'; break;
case 'bar': $stub = 'bar.stub.data.php'; break;
default : return array();
include $stub;
return $stubData;
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