Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 10/07/06 13:39
David Dorward wrote:
> John Hosking wrote:
>>> Put eBay auction files in a folder and use a robot.txt file to indicate
>>> that that folder is not to be indexed. Google "robot.txt" for syntax...
>> That would be robots.txt, with an "s". When you've googled, be sure to
>> read the part about robots.txt not working with misbehaving spiders.
> ... and where the file has to go. I doubt the OP can write to that section
> of ebay's site.
I think the OP does what I do, host my own images for eBay rather than
use eBay's serverice to host them so the imagea and/or parts of the
auction page are on his server not eBay's. So he could prevent the
indexing of -his- eBay folder.
And yes, a typo, should have been 'robots.txt'
And to misbehaving spiders, if they don't play by the rules then there
is not much you can do...except maybe redirect in an .htaccess entry for
the little bugger. But you would have to trap the user agent of each
misbehaving spider.
Take care,
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