Posted by usenet+2004 on 10/07/06 16:11
> I am wanting to set my site up using dynamic urls
At least you are thinking about URL design before publishing your
pages: that puts you ahead of the masses. Retrospective URL design
is, in a word, iffy.
> (I'm assuming that's what they're called, an example of what
> I have in mind is index.php?page=[pagename]).
'Dynamic URL' is a misleading though common term for URLs with query
parts. Misleading because there is nothing dynamic about URLs. That
example, we can say, is a relative reference consisting of a path and a
query part (square brackets aren't allowed in query parts). Nothing
more. What the server does with that URL is up to you, but the URL,
the string of characters, is not dynamic.
Couple of points on your example:
1. "Indexes" rarely are indexes. Are you sure there isn't a better
name? No name, even?
2. URL suffixes, unless you see the URL as pointing to a particular
representation of the resource, serve no purpose. It is generally of
no consequence to users whether you use PHP or some other language to
create your pages.
> However, I can not figure out how to do this.
I think another poster has suggested one way.
> I will eventually want to use SEF urls,
I can guess what you mean by that, but again I think the term is
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