Posted by Todd Vargo on 10/09/06 20:57
"batman" <uspensky@gmail.com> wrote in message
> here is some actual content from the file (shortened ofcourse to just a
> few records) ideally i would like to avoid using a batch file and keep
> it all on the sql level (sql 2000).... the file pasted in here much
> perttier than it looks in notepad (with the squares)
> thanks for ur help
> ------ file starts below
In Windows 98 I would use the following (tested) batch which uses VBScript
to extract the portion indicated. The extract will be output to a file named
out.txt and opened in notepad for viewing. This batch should work in Windows
XP also (untested).
@echo off
echo> $.vbs filename = "test.txt"
echo>>$.vbs s = "START-OF-DATA"
echo>>$.vbs e = "END-OF-DATA"
echo>>$.vbs Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
echo>>$.vbs Set f = fso.GetFile(filename)
echo>>$.vbs filesize = f.size
echo>>$.vbs Set f = fso.OpenTextFile (filename, 1, True)
echo>>$.vbs fin = f.Read(filesize)
echo>>$.vbs f.close
echo>>$.vbs s = InStr(fin, s) + 15
echo>>$.vbs e = InStr(fin, e)
echo>>$.vbs clip = Mid(fin, s , e - s - 2)
echo>>$.vbs Wscript.Echo clip
cscript /nologo $.vbs > out.txt
del $.vbs
notepad out.txt
Todd Vargo
(Post questions to group only. Remove "z" to email personal messages)
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