Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 10/11/06 05:21
Nikita the Spider wrote:
> I've set up several spamtrap addresses to study this. Eventually I'll
> write a short article about my findings, but in the meantime I'll
> summarize here. I have three email addresses all on the same page.
> One is naked (i.e. just, one is entity encoded (i.e.
> foo etc.) and one is added to the page by Javascript.
> The number of spams each has gotten to date is as follows:
> naked - 715
> entities - 2
> javascript - 1
I'll agree that using entities works. I have one address on a web site
that began life in this form. Never got any spam in about six years.
Then one day, I started getting bounces from emails containing viruses.
I found out that someone who added my address to his address book got
infected. My address was used as a forged FROM: by this virus. Shortly
after that, I started to get spam and it's hovering around 200-250 per
day now. :-(
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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