Reply to Re: email address obfuscation

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Posted by dorayme on 10/12/06 01:06

In article <fUeXg.4244$>,
"Jukka K. Korpela" <> wrote:

> Scripsit dorayme:
> > Anyone here using methods to make it more difficult for spammers
> > to garner email addresses from web pages.

> > I had a client recently ask me to "do something" about the spam
> > coming from his website.
> Tell them to contact a specialist on such matters if they can't handle it.
> Spam isn't an HTML problem any more terrorism, lack of good sex, or poverty
> is.

I have already said to do the spam filtering. It is the other bit
of what you say that I don't want to communicate. I don't
honestly. I know, you are right about an ideal world. If there is
something a little impure that helps, I will use it if all I see
are mainly theoretical objections.

> > I want to do better than tell him to get
> > the best spam filter he can,
> Why would you you want to do better than the real thing? I guess you are
> thinking of suggesting something _else_, like "email address protection"
> snake oil. I hope you now realize how ridiculous the idea is.

Well, yes actually. But it really does not seem to me ridiculous,
even though it is not really kosher. What I do find ridiculous is
the idea of being purer than the practicalities dictate. When a
pedestrian stop light is on, Australians will tend to wait till
it goes green, even if there is not a car in sight. French people
are not so ridiculous and express surprise at this behaviour when
visiting here.
> Either they do some spam filtering, or they don't. Either way, email address
> obsfuscation does not protect them from spam but _will_ damage their
> business by damaging communication, style, and impression.

Well, I would like to see the evidence for this as it might
relate to various cases in my patch. If you were right, it would
indeed be a reason not to.

I was aware of this response when I posted. And was not looking
forward to it. But I think you are right to have expressed it so
as to dampen any ideas that it is a wholesome thing to do. I have
no illusions: I am a fallen being.

As often though, I do think about what you say and will probably
end up further emphasising the proper way to go, ie. to put in
the best spam filters/blockers they can and to point them to
resources to do this... So, thank you.


[Back to original message]

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