Reply to Re: how to do this

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Posted by Steve on 10/11/06 19:43

"Kentor" <> wrote in message
| Thats a good idea but after a certain period of time... I will need to
| eventually remove the post and remove the page.... otherwise the
| database will contain extremely old records... and thats not very great
| for the user

oh lord!

apparently, gone are the days when programmers had to actually think!

build a db that has a table for properties/locations and one for units. link
the two together. the units table would describe a units accomodations and
(important to you) its availability. all you're doing at that point is
maintaining a unit's availability. your db only grows when you add records
for new locations and/or units!

you'll end up with one page listing properties (physical location where
units are found) and a second for detailing a unit (flat, 1b1bkcha, duplex,

seems we've armed the general populous with nukes and have forgotten the
artful skill of swordsmanship.

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