Reply to PHP Shell

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Posted by d43m0n AT shaw DOT ca on 10/11/06 20:03

Hello All,

I have created some source and some developing ideas for packages to go
with the shell, including emulators, clients and daemons, and other
hackables to make ever simpler to hack online with php.

If anyone is interested in the discussion, go to PHP Hacks on Google or

To break it down a bit more, I got an idea from someone posting on an
old error report I had posted to php based on a flaw for destryoing
sessions, however, the topic was about standard input, I figgured he
had something going there where he could replace the current loop to
listening for userinput, without interupting the loop of the string,
and create a buffer for the string, and by creating an action wether it
would be any character, the string would return, and the buffer would
be cleared.

I rebuilt it on a class foundation, and added some functions so that a
user could potentionally clean the string by using default keys found
the keyboard, they have not been all added, I'm still going through
some papers on the keys, but you can hit backspace, removing the keys,
or anything really. Its all in how the class hadles each key, without
returning, or doing any defualt php crap.

Another thing was that a user could use 2 environments, one of course
is called main, which I decided should not be a package, instead, be
part of the program, and define certain variables, bu allow the user to
include packages through it. Such as a package for Telnet users. That
way, you can press backspace. I personally believe that its the clients
responsiblitiy to fix any of errors, before sending it to the server,
not otherway around.

I would hope to create some server/client applications, and shared
memory, to create a more powerful application, and not use just one
process at a time, perhaps dozens.

The files exist inside of google groups files, and can be accessed
through google beta, and click files.

- Daemon

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