Reply to Re: how to do this

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Posted by d43m0n AT shaw DOT ca on 10/11/06 20:17


To make it a hell alot simpler,

If search engins were to help use out, there would be no need for
search engins. They exist more then too mearly look for exisiting data,
but to archive it, make a point that it exsisted.

Infact, perhaps using a post idea, then the page doesn't actually
exist, just a mere request will show you that it does. Yes, search
engines may discover it because of an exising post on a forum persay,
but you need to answer to $_GET requests, infact, if you were really
smart, would look at the date of the request, check when the last key
was made, and for a table with an existing key, and tell the user, this
page is no longer valid...

infact, a simple switch function would work,

switch(search_database($_GET[])) {
case "valid":
echo "Its here";
echo "Sorry, no longer there":

Now, I did have another idea, but asking the function first for the
query, seemed a bit better. You even have other cases for other
responces, or use if statments, which ever you prefor.

Alot of search engines will update the information, and some bots even
include information about how soon to update, simple by using

I don't personally know how far you can go with that... but check out
google bots...
Steve wrote:
> "Kentor" <> wrote in message
> | Thats a good idea but after a certain period of time... I will need to
> | eventually remove the post and remove the page.... otherwise the
> | database will contain extremely old records... and thats not very great
> | for the user
> oh lord!
> apparently, gone are the days when programmers had to actually think!
> build a db that has a table for properties/locations and one for units. link
> the two together. the units table would describe a units accomodations and
> (important to you) its availability. all you're doing at that point is
> maintaining a unit's availability. your db only grows when you add records
> for new locations and/or units!
> you'll end up with one page listing properties (physical location where
> units are found) and a second for detailing a unit (flat, 1b1bkcha, duplex,
> etc).
> seems we've armed the general populous with nukes and have forgotten the
> artful skill of swordsmanship.

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