Posted by Garry Jones on 10/12/06 23:22
Thanks Mark.
I tried to adapt your code for my needs but something is misfiring and its
not allowing me into the page. I removed the session variable thing as I
have no need for them.
// the post with the user id
// the post with the user password
include("connect to datbase php segment");
// my table is called scfmforening,
scfmnum is the field name with the user id number
scfpwd1 is the field name with the password
So here I assign $user to the table data scfmnum is the same as the user id
given by user
$user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM scfmforening WHERE scfmnum =
'$scfchknum'")or die(mysql_error());
// now the tricky bit that I dont really understand. It should check
password match.
while($info = mysql_fetch_array($user) ) {
if ($scfchkpwd != $info["scfpwd1"]) {
die('Wrong userid or password!');
else {
echo "yes";
The page is not loaded correctly, roughly the sort of blank looking error as
when you omit a bracket or a semi colon.
Any ideas?
Garry Jones
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