Reply to Re: Too match text I think.

Your name:


Posted by Steve on 10/12/06 22:40

| mysql : I can not use.

why can't you use it?

| apache or unix... i'm not sure of it. Is it importent for me to know?

unix, windows, macintoch, etc. are all operating system responsible for
running the hardware and networking layers of your computer.

apache, zeus, xitami, etc. are web servers. they are applications installed
on your computer that handle requests related to http. people usually refer
to a web server as the physical computer that serves up web pages. however,
don't let that confuse you with what actually *is* providing that
functionality. when i say 'web server', i mean the software. apache is what
i'd recommend...zeus kicks its ass, but you also pay lots of money to get
it. apache is free...and very good.

is the site you're building just testing to see if you like programming or
web development?

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