Posted by ZabMilenko on 10/13/06 17:06
Well, you may just need to check the apache httpd.conf for the correct
module declaration. PHP needs to be compiled for apache, not the other way
tech_php wrote:
> Yes
> I have already done these thing.
> Is there any need to compile apache also.
> Tim Hunt wrote:
>>>>> tech_php wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I compiled php 5.1.6 successfully
>>>>> when I'm running php from command prompt
>>>>> I'm getting following warning
>>>>> Unable to initialize module! Module compiled with module API=20040412,
>>>>> debug=0, thread-safety=0!
>>>>> PHP compiled with module API=20050922
>>>>> Can any body tell me the reason of this warning
>>>>> and how can we remove this warning
>>>> ZabMilenko wrote:
>>>> You need to update your extensions from the PECL library.
>>> tech_php wrote:
>>> I think that there is no need to update extension b'cause I removed old
>>> version and then I'm doing fresh compilation of php5.1.6.
>>> correct me if I'm wrong.
>> Maybe. Extension modules from pecl are released seperately to php and
>> if you were using any modules from pecl then they will need updating
>> now, if you havent used any pecl modules then you dont need to.
>> Another possibility is that the extension_dir setting needs changing,
>> each version of php creates a new subdirectory in the php extensions
>> directory to store shared extensions. You may need to change
>> extension_dir in php.ini from something like
>> /usr/local/lib/extensions/no-debug-zts-20040412 to
>> /usr/local/lib/extensions/no-debug-zts-20050922.
>> Tim
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