Reply to NOW()

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Posted by at on 10/13/06 21:06

Im using postgres 8.1 I'm trying to delete old records in a table by date.

table look like this:

Table "jobhist"
Column | Type | Modifiers
sched_date | date | not null default
schedlog_file | character varying(16) | not null
start_time | timestamp without time zone |

How do I delete records over a month old from sched_date?

delete from jobhist where start_time < now() - interval '2 month';

I even tried :

delete from jobhist where sched_date < now() - interval '2 month';

Does not work!? What am I doing wrong? This is obviously not getting
the date in the correct format.

when I do now() I get:
2006-10-13 17:02:18.067126-04
(1 row)

select now() - interval '2 month';
2006-08-13 16:51:09.40038-04
(1 row)

Anyone know what Im doing incorrectly?



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