Posted by Steve on 10/14/06 13:53
".:[ ikciu ]:." <> wrote in message
| Hmm peter <> wrote:
| > so basically your opinion is if it is not done your way it must be
| > the wrong way?
| why?
| > looking at others code is a very good way to learn new methods and
| > other ways of thinking maybe you should try it sometime.
| ofc, if you want you can use so many files, feel free to do it, but this
| same what you will use so many clean static html pages wich will store
| for each language ... it is stuipd, and it is reason why ppl use php -
| content is just included and no repeated any more ....
i think your problem is with english. there is only ONE HTML
include_once the correct LANGUAGE FILE...which are a selection of files to
pick from based on the current language.
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